Michael Way is a certified L-Acoustic Engineer since 2001, a V-Dosc Engineer, an IATSE LOCAL 16 Systems Engineer with Master Electrician qualifications, and thousands of hours on stage and in production. He has been an Audio Video Engineer for more than twenty-five years with a hybridized background in music and technology, beginning at an IMAX Space Theatre in 1994. He grew up in Southern California and now resides in Marina Del Rey. He has contracted custom theaters and constructed audio video systems for Sony, Google, and Facebook, in addition to working on music videos and live theater productions. Mr. Way is the Owner/Operator/Engineer/Musician behind Sound Pressure Labs (SPL). He has designed a system to have discreet control over the sound field, and he calls the immersive experience "Spherical Music". The Spherical Music Emulator is a custom designed control package available to purchase and install in any sound system to upgrade it to an ATMOS music design studio for L-ISA touring rigs, "TrueSPL". It is a system linking multiple computers and signal processing equipment to create a three dimensional control of the space. Mr. Way has provided a quality controlled signal processing system that interacts with L-ISA, ATMOS, and any 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound format. SPL has succeeded in combining the digital and analog realm, and has bridged the gap between biological and mechanical transducers by utilizing advanced sound reinforcement control techniques. Sound Pressure Labs has just released this specialized music format for ATMOS and other Spherical Music endeavors. Spherical Music or "TrueSPL" is a licensed trademark of Sound Pressure Labs. We are looking for options on distribution, but more importantly, wanting to release this technology to other musicians and studios to develop content. We have released this new music on DVD and Blu-ray because the amount of data required and the new methods are so vast (8 gigs for one hour), that it gives the control back to the musicians for mastering rights. This gives them a brand new mastering platform. We are looking to acquire permission to use published materials for this new format. We think it will be an expansion project and has many different applications in the industry. Sound Pressure Laboratory's custom built sound system has been captured live on stage with methods created by SPL, and it has created a three-dimensional sound experience that is reminiscent of Pink Floyd's extremely psychedelic sound control. SPL has succeeded in producing a hexaphonic/octophonic sound field and has plans for a 128 channel distribution system, in addition to creating a real time live/interactive digital analog amalgamation that deserves its own music genre.