Full Name
Jasper Thorn
Job Title
Re-Recording Mixer

Jasper Thorn is a Re-recording mixer based in the vibrant city of London and working at the iconic Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, UK. With a wealth of experience spanning the gamut from blockbuster spectacles to independent documentaries, Jasper brings a fresh blend of creativity and technical prowess to the world of sound in cinema. Jasper thrives on the collaborative nature of filmmaking, cherishing the exchange of ideas and creativity that the industry offers. His journey into sound editing and mixing is complemented by a rich background in electronic music production and an enjoyment of playing both the guitar and piano. Beyond the realms of film and music, Jasper finds joy in the great outdoors. Whether it's hiking, cycling, swimming, skateboarding, or hitting the gym, he embraces a life of movement and exploration. In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, Jasper Thorn stands as a dedicated young professional, weaving sound to enhance the cinematic experience and bring stories to life. 

Jasper Thorn